Investigating national contexts: the survey

The history and performance of CAIs strongly depends on the cultural, social and regulatory contexts from where they develop. From May-September 2020, COMETS investigated these dynamics by developing a comprehensive survey for a number of CAIs in six EU countries (Belgium, Estonia, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain)

What we achieved

On the 1st of May 2020, the COMETS survey was launched. After checking data coherence and robustness, the complete dataset was completed mid-September 2020.
Over the 19-week survey dissemination strategy, the initial results were:
  • 267 Responses
  • 71% completion rate
  • Average 25 minutes to fill the survey
The survey represented an important resource to create new knowledge about energy-CAIs, including:
  • a deeper understanding of the different types of CAIs
  • the identification of the main factors influencing CAIs evolution, performance, and success/failure.

Next Steps

Survey analysis
Since the completion of the survey, an in-depth analysis has been carried out that, by applying indicators, aims at grasping the social, economic and environmental impacts of CAIs activities. Results of the analysis are expected to be publicly released in January 2021.

Case studies
The survey results are the basis for the selection of case studies as well as for exploring the replication potential. See our case studies section for more details.

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