Designing the future
What we do
Based on strategies defined at CAIs and local levels, experts and stakeholders will be engaged in a specific activity to derive possible pathways for achieving these scenarios by 2050. The most effective and shared solutions both at the CAI and at the national level will be summarized as roadmaps and defined in a dedicated Manual of social innovation in the energy field for dissemination among CAIs, policy makers and the wider public in the national language provided to the communities.
Strategies aim to promote the spreading of CAIs throughout the EU, especially in countries where these
experiences are still underdeveloped. A synthesis will be produced in English and spread through the COMETS Supporting Platform for CAIs. Results are also planned to be published in peer-reviewed journals.
Ultimate outcomes to be produced
- Report on Frontier Case Studies
In addition to the comparative and participatory case studies (see section ‘Case Studies’), some highly innovative examples of CAIs will be considered to provide additional knowledge on possible paths for the future. Even if not yet widely applied (i.e. niche level), they could represent a particularly innovative contribution to the future of CAIs in the energy transition. Based on the most recent debate on the potential innovations for CAIs, attention will be paid to a small number of cases all around the world to be investigated mainly through desktop methodologies and interviews with the representatives. - Report on Scenarios and Roadmaps for CAIs development
COMETS will provide in-depth knowledge that focuses on developing plausible scenarios that explores and defines the boundaries of the energy system, as well as the components or “variables” that compose the “scenario space” or system. - Strategic roadmap for supporting social innovation in the energy sector
This manual will emerging from a back-casting exercise that will also be carried out in a participatory way and deliver the information necessary for the elaboration of six roadmaps in national languages (for local dissemination among CAIs). This manual summarizes the shared findings and recommendations.
Managed by: TECNALIA
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