Project Deliverables

Deliverable Description Related WPs and tasks Submitted (m/y) Partner Responsible Download
D6.4 - Report on validation of scenarios and roadmaps A participatory exercise to defin the challenges and the future for CAIs in the energy transition WP6 - Validation and research quality assurance
T6.5 – Participatory validation of scenarios and roadmaps
04/2022 UNITO
D2.3 - EU-wide Inventory of CAIs Building a comprehensive knowledge base on CAIs relevance and development in the EU energy system WP2 - Europe-wide inventory of CAIs in the energy sector
T2.2 – Populating the inventory
10/2021 HVL
D5.2 - Report on Scenarios and Roadmaps for CAIs Identifying desired and possible futures for CAIs and the way to reach them WP5 - CAIs for energy transition: potential and strategies for change
T5.2 – Imagining possible and desirable futures
09/2021 TECNALIA
D5.1 - Forntier Case Studies Exploring world-wide collective action initiatives at the frontier of social innovation in the energy field WP5 - CAIs for energy transition: potential and strategies for change
T5.1 – Exploring the “frontier” case studies
09/2021 UNITO
D6.3 - Defining Indicators for Collective Action Initiatives (CAIs) and Social Innovation (SI) in the Energy Transition Measures and methods to assess CAIs' economic, environmental and social impact WP6 - Validation and research quality assurance
T6.2 – Defining indicators for CAIs and SI in the Energy Transition
04/2021 Bocconi
D4.2 - Report on the comparative Case Studies Insights on CAIs development in 6 different national contexts WP4 - Investigating mechanisms of CAIs development in the energy sector
T4.3 – Case Study Engagement
Subtask 4.3.1 Visit tours for comparative case studies
04/2021 DTU
D3.3 - Analyzing typologies and determinants
of CAIs in the energy transition.
A survey.
Determinants and enabling conditions for CAIs development WP3 - Exploring determinants of CAIs development in the energy sector
Task 3.2 – Analysing typologies and determinants of CAIs in the energy transition
Task 3.3 – Selecting comparative case studies
01/2021 UNITO
D4.1 - Report on the evolution of
the context and energy sector
in 6 EU countries
What drives the development of community energy in Europe?
The importance of the national energy systems
WP4 - Investigating mechanisms of CAIs development in the energy sector
Task 4.1 – Context analysis
08/2020 UNITO
D7.2 - Supporting Platform
for CAIs
A web tool to support CAIs development thorugh the provision
of an exuastive knowledge base and the opportunity to get in touch and learn from each other
WP7 - Building a Supporting Platform for CAIs, Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation
Task7.1 - Building a Supporting Platform for CAIs
04/2020 Ecolise
D7.1 - COMETS website Project website description WP7 - Building a Supporting Platform for CAIs, Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation
Subtask 7.2.2 - Project web presence and online media management
11/2019 UNITO
D2.1 - Collective Action Initiatives.
Some theoretical perspective and a working definition
A wide review of the main concepts explored in the SSH literature about Collective Action properties, processes and development. WP2 - Europe-wide inventory of CAI in energy sector
Task2.1 - A working definition of CAIs in ET
08/2019 UNITO
D6.1 - Validation Framework A shared framework to guarantee the quality of the research and
the robustness of the results all along the project development
WP6 - Validation and research quality assurance
Task6.1 - Building a validation strategy and validating the Analytical Framework
07/2019 HVL